Living Land Acknowledgement Statement

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is built on the homeland of the Tequesta and Calusa peoples, ancestors of the Seminole Tribe of Florida and the Miccosukee Tribe of Florida. We acknowledge that Vizcaya exists as a result of the displacement of Indigenous people, colonization, and policies and practices that inflicted harm.

We commit to building lasting and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities to honor their elders, past and present, and to amplify Indigenous perspectives through ongoing initiatives.

Vizcaya is dedicated to serving as responsible stewards of the surrounding land and water and being an inclusive and welcoming place for all, including historically excluded communities.

The statement will continue to evolve and grow while constantly reminding us of our commitment.

Reconocimiento Activo de Tierras

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens está construido en la tierra natal de los pueblos tequesta y calusa, ancestros de la Tribu Seminola de Florida y la Tribu Miccosukee de Florida. Reconocemos que Vizcaya existe como resultado del desplazamiento de los pueblos indígenas, de la colonización y de políticas y prácticas que han causado daño.

Nos comprometemos a entablar una relación duradera y respetuosa con las comunidades indígenas con el objetivo de rendir homenaje a sus ancianos, pasados y presentes, así como de realzar las perspectivas indígenas a través de actividades continuas.

Vizcaya está dedicado a la gestión responsable de los terrenos y las masas de agua circundantes, así como a ofrecer un espacio inclusivo donde todo el mundo se sienta bienvenido, incluidas aquellas comunidades que han sido históricamente excluidas.

Esta declaración irá evolucionando y ampliándose, pero servirá siempre como recordatorio constante de nuestro compromiso.

Close-up of rare orchids in a greenhouse setting with text promoting a behind-the-scenes tour at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens.

Visiting this Friday? Jump on this Exclusive Tour!

If you love orchids, you don’t miss this special behind-the-scenes tour on Friday, December 13, 11:30 a.m. Join Vizcaya’s own orchid specialist as we go inside the museum’s greenhouse to explore rare orchids and learn expert plant care tips.

Tickets are just $39 per person and include museum admission. Spots are limited, so reserve yours now!